Samish Commons Wins Award From NAHRO!

We are thrilled to announce that our client, Bellingham Housing Authority (BHA), has received an Award of Merit for Samish Commons from the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment (NAHRO). The award recognizes achievement and innovation in housing and community development. Submitted under the Project Design for Affordable Housing category, the award focuses primarily on the physical or landscape design of a building or project.

Samish Commons is located on the former Aloha Motel site at a busy arterial on the fringe of downtown Bellingham. The area had a reputation for crime, despite bordering an established, upper middle-class neighborhood. The problem: how to transform this austere section into the City of Bellingham’s vision for an Urban Village. The solution: to create a community collaboration between BHA and RMC to design a mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented development that provides affordable housing for diverse populations, including senior, workforce, family, and houseless. BHA’s new offices and a future early learning center on site serve both the public and residents.

RMC was honored to be part of this project with BHA. Their innovative approach, vision, and commitment to excellence led us to a design that provides quality of life and dignity for all residents at Samish Commons.

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