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Port of Anacortes Subarea Master Plan

ClientPort of Anacortes, Master Plan; Port of Anacortes + City of Anacortes, Loft Event Center
LocationAnacortes, WA
HighlightsMaster Planning, Waterfront/Downtown Connection, Event Center, Mixed-use, Retail, Hotel, Pedestrian Friendly, Cargo Container Village, Multifamily Housing, Historic Working Waterfront Design


Seattle DJC:
Master planning a Fidalgo Island community for a bright future

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The waterfront town of Anacortes is a gateway to the San Juan Islands and a destination for numerous outdoor activities and festivals. RMC was hired by Port of Anacortes to create a subarea master plan to energize underused property at Cap Sante Marina and enliven the connection between the historic downtown and waterfront through pedestrian and road improvements.

To create a rich texture that enhances human experience, the development pads are organized around two locations: the waterfront, and the pedestrian path along 9th Street between the waterfront and downtown.

Development Pads A, B, and C are located to take advantage of ocean views and proposed as commercial/retail/office buildings (Pads A and B) and an event center (Pad C). Pad D is proposed as the first seaside hotel in the city and is situated to maximize views. Pads E and F focus on attracting pedestrian traffic. Development Pad E is proposed as a cargo container village populated with 10 x 20 moveable units envisioned as food stands and retail. Development Pad F is also proposed as retail on the lower level with three stories of multifamily housing units above.

The event center, with a current working title as The Loft at Cap Sante Marina, is oriented towards the water and designed to accommodate 400 users. The Loft includes a dance floor, stage, buffet, green room, warming kitchen, enclosed storage, and restrooms. The event center will be open year-round and available for both public and private use. To keep the area activated, the design includes an additional space for lease anticipated as an art gallery, coffee shop, or small chandlery.

A confusing five-way intersection near the site provided a bit of a challenge. The project scope included realigning the road in that location to create a simplified intersection, better pedestrian access, and an outdoor public space that connects visually to the downtown. This outdoor space can extend the event center’s capacity during some of the city’s biggest festivals, including their annual wine tasting event.

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